Our body is the Earths body. So this Monday I offer a small window of re-connection, I would love for you to join me now before rushing on to begin this week!
Have you ever had the feeling of having your feet buried deep in the Earth? Of sinking into this beautiful planet, being a part of it. I think this is an important thing to experience regularly, our connection to Earth because when we lose touch with the Earth, we lose touch with ourselves.
If possible go outside on grass or soft ground. If you’re not in a position to go outside do this in your mind’s eye. Take off your shoes and socks or imagine you are, close your eyes, feel the bare ground as you put down your feet against it, just stay here for a while, feeling or imagining the temperature of the ground and your feet, feel the texture and notice if your heartbeat changes, if your body’s position changes.
After a while feel your feet begin to sink ever so slowly down into the moist grass and dirt, just sink-sink-sink into this soft cushion of soil until your ankles are covered, feel how the Earth, are welcoming you in, how she gives way for your feet to sink, how she wraps herself gently and loosely around you to hug your feet. You have all the space and air you need. Get the sense of the dark but soft glittering soil and try and notice if you through your feet’s nervous system and through your imaginary powers have some sense of vision or knowingness in this soil, in this blackness where seeds grow from.