Your dreams can be an internal landscape filled with experiences and maps that your soul needs in order to navigate through life whether in the mental landscape, soul landscape or the outer world. Sometimes these dreams relate to your own psyche but once in a while, there are also deeper dimensions woven into the dream that needs to be understood and shared.
A few months back I had such a dream. It is always vulnerable to share one’s dreams as they can hold both personal elements and more universal messages. Please remember to be sensitive when sharing and listening to dreams.
I was on an edge of a forest and I was being held in the grips of several lions. I was watching the scene and I was very surprised that I would be held in the fierce grips of lions. I thought it must be a mistake as I with all the contact and closeness to nature would not end up in such a position. But then I was transported into my body in the scene and I felt the claws and teeth of the lions. I felt how serious they were and realised they really were going to eat me. I got so scared that I almost got paralyzed. I thought what do I do here, they are really serious, how do I get out of this situation? And then something in me thought that I had to make my heart sing. It was the only way that I could possibly get out of their grip or call in a death that would take me directly to the other side. So I focused on my heart and I tried with all my might and in spite of the paralyzation I could manage to make some very small course off-key shrieks, I wouldn’t call it singing at all, as I was only able to produce small broken tones. They were so screechy and forced that I thought I would never manage to sing anything but to my surprise the lions immediately let me loose of their grip. They were now lying down beside me relaxing and licking their paws, just like we see in nature documentaries from the Savahnna. There was absolutely no threat from them anymore and even more precisely I was now an integral part of their family, as well as, an integral part of the greater family of everything; the web of life! I belonged.
The key element for me that was strong in this dream was that we do not have to be perfect in order to belong and to work with Earth and the greater intelligence in Life. All we have to do is try! All we have to do is turn our focus to the deeper communication that all of Life knows how to listen too; the song of our heart that comes from the soul. Earth also has a song that is part of her soul and when we focus our intention to have our heart sing our song and thereby be a part of the Earth’s song Life around us can relax and we automatically step into belonging.
In our culture of having to be perfect, getting straight A’s, becoming the best at what we do and so on, this lesson from Earth that is entailed in the dream is that perfection it is not her wish for life. Life on Earth, “nature”, is in fact much more a trial-and-error way of being and becoming. The dream showed me that what matters to the heart of Earth and Life is for you to just turn your attention towards her and towards what your heart came here to sing. That way your underlying current which is always communicated in our energetic being for the rest of Life to “read” will make Life relate to you in a very different way. And maybe, if we are lucky, some of the lions of Life will loosen their grip a bit.
This dream guided me to offer a set of journeys with the intention of having the Song Of Your Heart connect to the Song of Earth. We have already held the first retreat and it was a wonderful experience where many truly began recognising that not only do they belong in the great Web Of Life but they also do not have to try so hard to become perfect or master their existence, in order to belong and to be of service and value to Earth and all of her communities. In fact, their mere attention turning towards the song of the heart makes them a part of Earth’s chorus in a different way. It wakes up a love and attention from Earth within themselves and with it comes a new sense of belonging.
It is time that you shift your attention to your heart song so that you can live more of what you came to Earth to become and take your natural place of belonging in Life!
You are welcome to join us on one of the upcoming journeys exploring the Song Of Your Heart and you can also make steps in order to unlock the ancient compass of your dreams and begin to follow the wisdom contained within them. Follow the links below.