It is not easy to know how we begin the conversation with the other Earth non-human communities.

Old spring pool in ruins of old Greek house.
Yes, we can each personally take a step back and sit silently and listen but it is not enough anymore, we need to enable the conversation on a greater scale.
What do the trees want; how do they see the future of life evolving on this Earth?
What about the fox and the owl, what vision is in their voice?
It is difficult because we have no common forum for this conversation to take place and also we are lacking in humility to stand down and realise that humans will not be the center of life, we never were, we just thought ourselves to be.
But if we become enough in numbers to do this, enough to reclaim out instincts of connection and participation with every living thing, then we can begin this conversation on a greater scale. It will become a more “everyday” thing to do and more commonly accepted.
They, our fellow beings we share this Earth with, will come as an effect of you opening up and sharing and working towards your own capabilities of connecting and speaking with the land. So keep it up, keep going, don’t neglect it and don’t dismiss it. It is a learning by doing process and yes you are going to make mistakes, we all are but the worst mistake we can make is not diving into this conversation at all.