Ever wondered on how to communicate with other species or even other humans without learning their language?
There is a silent field where no words are necessary yet the communication in this field is richer, fuller than anything else I’ve encountered. It can in one instant say more than a thousand words. There are no rules here, all you need to do is sit down be still and listen inwardly, and let that expand outwardly. Suddenly spectrums of impressions will rise upon you and the exchange will begin. More intimate than anything else, no misunderstandings possible and even though sadness or loss might be expressed joy is still the tapestry behind it all.

Woman holding flower
Once you accustom your body to this way of communicating you slowly attune your inner ear to it and it becomes more fluent. Just like you work out a muscle you also need to build this ability within yourself.
Be aware though that humans tend to say one thing whilst their body- or soul-nature communicates something else. They are not in congruence; their mind is not listening in on the deeper truer level of their body and soul. Animals and plants cannot do this- they are always congruent. Respect their wishes, also if it is a wish for non-communication.
Animal ConversationsDeep ListeningEarthInterbeingnessInterspecies CommunicationNaturePlant ConversationsSoulSoul NatureSpiritual EcologyThe Greater FamilyWeb Of Life